
121 Coaching

121 coaching is personal.  It has to be. In other words, this sort of coaching is most effective when the coach and the coachee engage in meaningful, personal discussions and develop a relationship of trust and understanding - without which, the truth of the situation cannot be revealed or changed. 

The coaching I deliver is outcome-oriented and pragmatic.  My extensive background in coaching and psychotherapy gives my business coaching a significant edge: I'm able to notice and engage with many personal 'stuck' states using a very wide variety of approaches. Furthermore, the benefits of engaging an external coach (with no links to internal politics) are significant.

If you or anyone in your team is 'stuck', please get in touch.

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Group Coaching & Team Building

Coaching is most often considered a 121 experience.  However, there is a marked increase in interest for group coaching: using coaching styles, techniques and approaches that are uniquely designed to be effective in a group setting.  Due to the nature of multiple attitudes, beliefs, experiences and competencies inevitably present in such a situation, group coaching is significantly different from working 121.

There are many benefits to coaching in groups; to learn more, please get in touch.

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Whether called trainings or workshops, these are events that vary in length from 30mins to a number of days.  Some are online (virtual live), others in-person and some are hybrid.  Workshops are great ways to bring new knowledge and skills to a group whilst simultaneously building group cohesion and enhanced collaboration.

All workshops are bespoke to each enquiry whereby the content and design is co-created.  I don't believe in 'off the shelf' learning; the best workshops are often those that have been developed with you, matching your culture, meeting your specific expectations and working with the current realities of your experience.  Leadership, people management and improving performance are my specialities.

Please get in touch or click HERE for more info.

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NLP Certified Trainings

I am the ANLP Ambassador to the Isle of Wight. As such, the NLP trainings I deliver are of exceptionally high quality.  The ANLP is an international organisation, dedicated to the promotion of best quality NLP standards in practice and in trainings.

I've been working with NLP for over 20 years and, alongside other complementary modalities, use NLP as a core tool for all my work with clients.

Teaching NLP is a passion - not least because I am determined to bring NLP into the workplace and help organisations install in-house capability with these remarkable tools.

For info on the full range of NLP certified courses, please get in touch or click HERE for a list.

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